Enrolment Procedure

& Policy

Applications for all year levels are welcome, and acceptance will be based on availability and living within our zone.

Knowing how we prioritise enrolment is important for you when enrolling your child at St Francis of Assisi Primary School.

As one of four primary schools in the Parish of St James, we welcome your enrolment enquiries for our school.

Local pastoral discretion is an important element of decision-making regarding enrolment at St Francis of Assisi Primary School. While the priority of the principal is to enrol children of Catholic parents/guardians/carers, pastoral discretion may be exercised in enrolment decisions where deemed appropriate.

The order of priority is:

  1. Catholic children who are residents of the parish;

  2. Siblings of children already enrolled;

  3. Catholic children who do not reside in the parish but are recognised as parishioners by the Parish Priest;

  4. Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons);

  5. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside in the parish;

  6. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside outside the parish;

  7. Non-baptised children of Catholic parent(s);

  8. Other Christian children who reside in the parish;

  9. Other Christian children who reside outside the parish

  10. Non-Christian children who are residents of the parish

  11. Non-Christian children who reside outside the parish.

Selection Criteria

Our school enrols students according to the priority for enrolment list, which is the same across all four parish primary schools.

The four parish primary schools are also zoned to ensure that children from across the parish have the ability to attend one of the schools.

School Fees

The school fees cover most of the costs of your child’s education at our school for a year.

The school fees for 2025 are:

Number of Children Enrolled Fees

1 $2,100

2 $2,350

3 $2,600

4 $2,850

*Fees increase by $250 per child enrolled

Education levy:

  • Prep - Year 2 & Yr 5: $540

  • Yr 3 & Yr 4: $600 Inclusive of Sacrament

  • Yr 5: $540

  • Yr 6: $750 Incisive of Sacrament and Yr 6 Big Day Out

  • Capital Levy $100 per Family

  • Yr 5 & 6 Camp Levy: $430

Where applicable, some families may be eligible for concessional fees