Enrolments for Prep and other year levels in 2026 are now open.
Families are invited to request an information pack below or call 9749 9900 to speak with our staff.
To make an application for Prep 2026, please ensure the following:
Your child will be at least 5 years of age by 30 April 2026
Your family lives within the St Francis of Assisi school zone
You have digital copies of the following documents for your child:
Birth Certificate
Citizenship Certificate (if applicable)
Visa (if applicable)
Baptism Certificate (if applicable)
Immunisation History Statement
For further information, please refer to our Parish Enrolment Policy, which includes an agreed order for priority of enrolment.
Prep 2026 School Information Night
Date: Tuesday 18th March 2025
Time: 7pm
Venue: St Francis of Assisi Primary School
This meeting is for all families zoned to St Francis of Assisi Primary School. Information about the school and your child’s future education will be provided at this meeting.
Open Day School Tours
Date: Wednesday 19th March 2025
Times: 10:00am & 10:30am
Venue: Meet at SFA School office
This is your opportunity to see our school in action, with our learners taking you around our school and answering your questions.