Term 3: Week 2
Learning Conversations Monday 29th of July. Students finish at 12:00pm
Principal’s Message….
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to Term 3! I hope that everyone enjoyed a relaxing break and got out and about as much as they could with the cold weather. Happy Feast Day to St James Parish and School as celebrations occurred today for the Feast of St James. Myself, Andrea and some student leaders attended mass in the parish to celebrate the occasion.
An exciting few weeks ahead for our Year 4 students as they undertake final preparations to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist. We wish them well and keep them in our prayers as they journey together towards this important faith milestone. We look forward to seeing our year 4 students and their families at our Eucharist Family Workshop next Wednesday evening.
Our Preps have been working hard all year and are on the final countdown to '100 Days of Prep'. They will be celebrating with their teachers on Tuesday August 6th. We are eager to see what activities are planned and the fun to be had to celebrate this occasion.
Enjoy the next fortnight and I look forward to seeing many faces during Learning Conversations for all students and families on Monday.
Warm regards,
Save the date in your diary for our upcoming Parish Fete